== blog.dario.nu ==
DarĂ­o Cutillas Carrillo

Good Old Bash for CI scripts

linux bash devops CI
Bash, loved by some, hated by others; as for me: it’s complicated… I have used it enough long to learn to appreciate its conciseness, string manipulation capabilities and ability to directly invoke commands, but I’ve also struggled its quirks and way of doing things different than other from other languages I use to write scripts. But like it or not Bash is a king if not the king when it comes to CI logic… It’s ubiquitous and almost any worthy CI system will allow embedding bash logic into their job definitions, often making it the default choice for jobs running in Linux. Read more...

Using GnuPG with a smart card

gpg ssh pgp
title: “Using GnuPG with a smart card” date: 2020-09-20T22:00:00+02:00 draft: false tags: [gpg, ssh, pgp] languages: [en] GnuPG & smart cards GnuPG supports the use of OpenPGP smart cards: hardware devices with the ability to store the private key of PGP key-pairs and use them during cryptographic operations. Storing private keys in a smart card is considerably more secure than storing them in your computer given that you reduce the surface of attack: an smart card is not connected to internet as your computer is, nor is subject to spoofing attacks or can be subject to OS vulnerabilities. Read more...
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